Who is responsible for the Safeguarding of Children?
It is everybody’s responsibility to be vigilant and listen to pupils when they are worried about issues regarding safeguarding.
At Greenfields Academy, all staff members receive safeguarding training and all staff are made aware of the Designated Safeguarding Officers:
Jodie Wilkes
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Andy Rush
Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Beth Archer
Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nick Jackson
Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
To contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Jodie Wilkes, please telephone 01476 574112 or email jodie.wilkes@greenfields-cit.co.uk
You can contact our Safeguarding Governor, Nicola Judge: Greenfields Academy, Great North Road, Grantham, NG31 7US. Telephone: 01476 574112. Or email via the Clerk: jIngle.clerk@citacademies.co.uk
Alternatively you can contact: Jane Starbuck, Chair of Governors: Greenfields Academy, Great North Road, Grantham, NG31 7US. Telephone: 01476 574112. Or email via the Clerk: jIngle.clerk@citacademies.co.uk
In the event of anyone being unavailable, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Trustee, Julia Lindley-Baker on 03300 585 520 or via the Clerk to the Trust Board: ana.hendrickson@citacademies.co.uk
Or contact the Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) on 01522 554668.
The Headteacher, Andy Rush will ensure:
• That all staff know how to access the Safeguarding Policy
• Be clear how to follow safeguarding procedures
• Whole school safeguarding training
• That safe recruitment practices, which provide for appropriate checks are in place and adhered to
• All staff receive E-safety training
• Be clear on how to log incidents involving E-Safety
• Be clear who to refer E-Safety incidents to
• Safeguarding across the curriculum
Every pupil receives PSHE lessons where safeguarding issues are taught through a range of topics, including;
• Medicines + Drug awareness
• Sex and Relationships education
• Internet safety
Every pupil receives ICT lessons where E-Safety issues are taught, to explain all the risks of using the internet. Pupils understand issues surrounding the internet including:
• Cyber-bullying
• Social Networking
• Inappropriate Website
• Viruses
• Identity Theft
At Greenfields Academy, all staff are committed to giving our pupils the tools and knowledge that is required to keep themselves and each other safe from harm.
Local Authority Children’s Services contact details:
Lincolnshire – 01522 782111
Nottinghamshire – 0300 500 8080
Leicestershire – 0116 3050005
Links to external websites:
Here are the links to our Safeguarding and SEND newsletters, E-safety resources and Top Tips for family:
Safeguarding & SEND Newsletter – AutumnSafeguarding & SEND Newsletter – Spring Using AI & Chatbots Safely Gaming FestivalTop Tips for Families