Recognising & Celebrating success through Assembly. . .
Assembly is a focal point of our school week at Greenfields, where we come together as a whole school community on Friday mornings. Within assembly there will be a key message which is related to a recent or contextual event and focuses on a specific British Value that each class will work on together throughout the coming week. In addition, our Assemblies are an opportunity to celebrate and recognise achievements.
House Awards – weekly – nominated by staff and awarded to pupils by their Head of House & House Captain.
British Value Recognition – weekly – chosen by School Council for demonstrating British Values positively.
Pupil Highlights – weekly – chosen by the PE team to recognise exceptional progress or engagement in PE & Sport.
Attendance Awards – half-termly – presented for attendance above 97% over time or exceptional progress.
PACE Awards – half-termly – chosen by the Senior Leadership Team for pupils who have consistently demonstrated the Greenfields Values.
Trust Values Award – termly – presented to staff having been nominated by colleagues for demonstration of Trust Values.
Headteacher’s Award – termly – chosen by the Headteacher for a pupil who has made sustained exceptional achievements and progress within, or beyond school.
Our vertical house system binds the whole school community, all key stakeholders are a house member (Staff, Pupils and Governors). In alignment with the overarching identity of the school, our Houses are represented by Trees; Oak, Willow and Cedar. The houses provide a further vehicle for the promotion of wellbeing, socialisation, pastoral progress, leadership an aspirational competition. Each House is lead by an annually elected team; Head of House & Deputy Head of House (Staff), Captain (Pupil from KS3 or KS4) and two Vice-Captains (Pupils from KS2 and KS3). This elected body forms the School Council.
All learning merits also contribute an additional House Point to the pupil’s house, in addition all elements of the house competition suite (eg. Connect4 tournament, Talent Show, Christmas Card competition or Sports Day amongst many others). Those cumulative points are totalled for each House into the overall Annual Championship.
The PACE Points Rewards System encourages positive behaviour by aligning with our school’s core values: Personalised, Aspiration, Caring, and Engaging. Children can earn up to three points in each lesson by following the Greenfields Behaviour Curriculum:
1. Are you in the right place?
2. At the right time?
3. Doing the right thing?
Additionally, a fourth point can be awarded for actively demonstrating one of the PACE values during the lesson. This allows children to earn up to 40 points per day, which are never removed for negative behaviour.
Points can be exchanged for rewards from the PACE Cabinet, stocked with items chosen through pupil voice to ensure relevance and motivation. It is essential to note that this system is intended as a reward, not a bribe, and should always be used to celebrate and reinforce positive behaviour rather than control or manipulate.
Learning Merits are awarded between the value of 1-10 for pupils who have gone above and beyond expectations, contextualised for individuals and classes. This provides pupils with immediate recognition and praise, promoting pride, and self-worth. Once earned, Learning Merits cannot be lost/taken away, and disconnected from any sanction systems in school. Learning Merits double-up as House Points, which pupils can chose to ‘spend’ on positive intrinsic reward experiences (chosen by pupils).
Every day children in the Key Stage 2 phase of the school have opportunity to earn up 20 ‘stars’, stars are awarded to celebrate positive behaviour and translate into minutes of rewards time at the end of the day (1 star = 1-minute reward time). Star time activities are child-lead and focussed on promoting positive wellbeing, activities change on a daily basis. Each time a pupil earns a star they will be immediately be awarded with a small physical counter to then place into their own ‘star jar’, acting as an immediate, visual reward. Stars cannot be lost once earned and disconnected from any sanctions systems, ‘un-earnt’ stars create time for restorative practise.
In KS3 Nurture provision, adapted versions of Star Time may be deployed with agreement of Senior Leaders
Annually in Term 1, Year 11 pupils can apply to be a ‘Prefect’. There are clear expectations and standards for prefects to be awarded the role and to maintain these high standards as pupil role-models and raise aspirations. Prefect status can be withdrawn either temporarily or permanently at the discretion of ‘Leader of SEND & Welfare”.