In order to support our pupils at times of distress, the school will sometimes; as a last resort use Reasonable Force (also known as Physical Intervention or Positive Handling).
The decision to do so will be Reasonable, Proportionate and Necessary. Our staff are trained in Teamteach to a minimum of ‘Intermediate’, with some staff trained to ‘Advanced’. Teamteach is used in over 13,000 educational, health and care settings across the World. All Teamteach positive handling techniques have undergone a medical review carried out by independent medical experts, as required by the Institute of Conflict Management.
At Greenfields there are also highly experienced Teamteach Tutors, to provide a constant cycle of training review and refinement through structured training and coaching.

“The Teamteach mission is to support individuals and organisations in moving beyond behaviour management; using strategies that lower risk, build relationships, minimise physical intervention, and create positive environments.”
The use of Reasonable Force is closely monitored and rigorously quality assured at Greenfields Academy by; the Senior Leadership Team & Local School Board, CIT’s Executive Leadership Team and through submission of data to Teamteach.
In 2024, Greenfields Academy will be hosting information and awareness clinics for; Parents/Carers, Social Care professionals and Virtual School colleagues.
If you require any further information, clarification or guidance please contact – Andy Rush (Headteacher) or Beth Archer (Deputy Headteacher).