“At Greenfields…all children Learn to Read”
The high quality teaching of Reading at Greenfields is a priority and as such, the Leader of Reading & Phonics sits within the Senior Leadership Team. At Greenfields we follow the DfE validated scheme, known as ‘Read Write Inc.’ for the teaching of Reading & Phonics.
Pupils are taught by trained specialists and the school receives regular external assurance of the quality of this provison, ongoing training and moderation in addition to rigorous internal monitoring. Pupils are not taught in their ‘class groups’ for Reading, they are instead taught, daily, in reading ability based groups which are defined by colour. Pupils progress between groups following detailed assessments undertaken by the leader of Reading and in conjunction with other teacher assessments. Where required pupils from age 5 to 16 will access Reading & Phonics teaching at Greenfields both within taught lessons and through an additional Intervention offer. Some pupils in older chronological years (12+) access this through the ‘FreshStart’ programme within Read Write Inc.
Leader of Reading & Phonics: Mr Nick Jackson (nick.jackson@greenfields-cit.co.uk)
More details on the Read Write Inc. scheme can be found at the following website: https://www.ruthmiskin.com/