On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, and the Community Inclusive Trust (CIT), I would like to welcome you to Greenfields Academy.
As part of a family of schools within CIT, Greenfields can draw on the expertise across the Trust and central team to provide the highest levels of education and care for our pupils.
We are extremely proud of our provision and our school community and want to share this with you.
Greenfields Academy is a specialist school for pupils with predominant and complex SEMH needs (Social, Emotional, Mental Health) aged 5 to 16 years.
Our pupils embark on their own Greenfields Voyage – this is a tailored provision of Curriculum, Intervention & Tides to best meet their academic and pastoral needs. Our intent is to support pupils and their families to gradually overcome the barriers to education they have encountered and enable confident access to future opportunities; however and whenever they arise. Our contextually high expectations and school values (PACE) embody this; our provision is Personalised, Aspirational, Caring & Engaging.
We hope you can find all the information you need on our website – if not, please contact us with your query.
Thank you for your interest in our school.
Andy Rush
If you requrie any parts of our website printing or translating, please contact the school for assistance and this will be provided free-of-charge.