Remote Learning Blog – February 2021

W/c Monday 1st February
Have a look at Tyler’s freehand drawing in the style of Quentin Blake! Fantastic effort Tyler, well done! Year 7 are currently reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and have thoroughly enjoyed attempting to draw the illustrations used this week. Good work everyone!
Students in year 8 were challenged to Strive for 5 during their Year 8 remote learning this week! To strive for 5 they had to complete the daily tasks set. George, Brock and Ashton sent in their evidence of drinking 2 litres of water. They are all trying really hard! Well done boys
This week Primary 3 were set the task of imagining themselves as an evacuee during WW2. Here are some wonderful pieces of work produced by Henley and Tommy! Well done boys and keep up all of your hard work!